LinkedIn Introduces Company Page Verification: A New Way to Establish Trust


LinkedIn, the professional networking giant, is taking another step to enhance trust and authenticity on its platform. After rolling out verification badges for individual users last year, LinkedIn is now extending this feature to company pages. This new verification process aims to help businesses establish credibility and trust with their audience by displaying a grey verification badge on their official pages.

Why LinkedIn Company Page Verification Matters

In today’s digital landscape, authenticity is more important than ever. Businesses need to assure their audience that they are legitimate and trustworthy. LinkedIn’s new company page verification badge does just that. This grey badge signals to users that a company page has passed LinkedIn’s checks for identity and authenticity, making it easier for users to trust that they are interacting with the official representatives of the brand.

What the Verification Badge Means

The grey verification badge on LinkedIn company pages is not just a symbol; it represents LinkedIn’s confirmation that a company has met specific criteria. According to LinkedIn, the verification process includes assessing:

  • The accuracy of key data points on the page, such as location and website URL
  • The presence of active page administrators
  • Whether the page is claimed and not just a listing
  • Compliance with LinkedIn’s policies

These factors ensure that the company page is authentic and actively managed, which in turn helps to build trust with the audience.

How to Get Your Company Page Verified

If you’re interested in getting your company page verified, LinkedIn has made the process relatively straightforward—though it may take some time. Currently, LinkedIn is rolling out the verification feature to a limited number of company pages.

To check if your page is eligible, navigate to the “Verification” settings on your company page. If your page meets the criteria, you can add it to the waitlist for verification. LinkedIn will approve pages at its discretion, and verified pages will display the verification date in their settings.

However, it’s important to note that with over 58 million company pages on LinkedIn, the verification process may be slow. LinkedIn has a lot of pages to review, so it could take some time before your page receives its grey badge.

Is the Verification Badge Valuable?

The introduction of the verification badge is a positive move for LinkedIn and its users. Any additional layer of trust and authenticity is beneficial, especially in a professional setting where credibility is key.

That being said, the limited rollout and slow approval process might be frustrating for some businesses. However, once fully implemented, the verification badge will likely become a valuable asset for companies looking to establish their brand’s authenticity on LinkedIn.

Conclusion: Enhance Your Brand’s Trust with LinkedIn Verification

LinkedIn’s new company page verification feature is an excellent way for businesses to establish trust and credibility on the platform. Although the process might be slow, the benefits of having a verified page are clear. If you’re looking to enhance your brand’s trustworthiness on LinkedIn, it’s worth checking your page’s eligibility for verification.

At Amber 90, we specialize in helping businesses navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media. If you’re interested in optimizing your LinkedIn presence, contact our team today. We can help you get the most out of LinkedIn’s new features and ensure your brand stands out in the crowded digital space.