Instagram Expands Carousel Limits: What 20 Frames Mean for Your Content Strategy


Instagram carousel format is once again evolving, offering users more creative freedom with their content. Recently, Instagram announced that all users can now include up to 20 frames in a single carousel post, doubling the previous limit of 10. This update, which follows months of testing, allows creators and businesses to share even more photos and videos in a single post, making it easier to tell a comprehensive story or showcase a series of related images.

The Expansion of Instagram Carousels

For years, Instagram carousels have been a popular way to share multiple photos or videos in one post. Originally introduced in 2017 with a 10-frame limit, carousels quickly became a favourite feature among users, offering a dynamic way to engage followers with multiple pieces of content at once. Over time, Instagram has gradually increased the number of frames users can add, first expanding to 15 frames earlier this year, and now to 20 frames as of August 2024.

What the New 20-Frame Limit Means for Users

The ability to add up to 20 photos or videos in a single carousel post opens up new possibilities for content creators and brands alike. Whether you’re sharing a step-by-step tutorial, a travel photo album, or a detailed product showcase, the expanded frame limit allows for more comprehensive storytelling.

Additionally, Instagram has been experimenting with other carousel features, such as text overlays and variable image formats, which further enhance the creative potential of carousel posts. With 20 frames, users can create what is essentially a live photo album or a mini-video series, all within a single post.

How to Leverage the 20-Frame Carousel for Your Content Strategy

So, how can you make the most of Instagram’s expanded carousel feature? Here are a few ideas:

  1. Storytelling: Use the extra frames to craft a more detailed narrative. For example, share the full journey of a project, from concept to completion, or document an entire event or trip.
  2. Product Showcases: Showcase different angles, features, or uses of a product in one post. This is especially useful for e-commerce brands looking to highlight product details.
  3. Tutorials and How-Tos: Break down complex processes into easy-to-follow steps, using each frame to illustrate a different part of the tutorial.
  4. Engagement: Encourage followers to swipe through all 20 frames by creating a story or series that builds intrigue or offers value with each swipe.

By strategically using all 20 frames, you can increase engagement and provide a richer experience for your audience. Check out this video here as Katie Lance shares how to create this content.

How Instagram’s Carousel Update Compares to Competitors

It’s interesting to note that Instagram’s move to increase carousel frames is part of a broader trend in social media. TikTok, for instance, allows users to include up to 35 photos in a single post, showing that the demand for more comprehensive content-sharing options is growing. However, while TikTok is often associated with short-form videos, its photo slideshow feature has become increasingly popular.

Instagram’s 20-frame limit strikes a balance between offering more content space without overwhelming users, and it will be interesting to see how this impacts content strategies across the platform.

Conclusion: Maximize Your Content with Instagram’s 20-Frame Carousel

The expansion of Instagram carousel to 20 frames is a game-changer for content creators and businesses. This update provides more room to showcase your work, tell your story, or engage with your audience in a meaningful way. As Instagram continues to innovate and expand its features, staying ahead of these updates can help you maintain a competitive edge in your social media strategy.

At Amber 90, we specialize in crafting social media strategies that leverage the latest tools and features. Contact our team today to learn how we can help you make the most of Instagram’s new 20-frame carousel and other updates to enhance your brand’s presence.

New Guide to Instagram Live Streaming: Enhance Your Performance

How to Maximize Your Live Streams

Instagram has released a new guide to live streaming on its platform, offering valuable insights for brands looking to enhance their outreach and increase engagement with their audience. This comprehensive guide covers everything from scheduling broadcasts to incorporating co-hosts for dynamic live chats.

How to Go Live on Instagram

Instagram’s live streaming guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to start a live broadcast. It explains the basics, such as scheduling a live session and inviting co-hosts, which can help facilitate engaging conversations and interactions with your viewers.

Leveraging Live Notifications

The guide also details how Instagram’s live notifications work and how they can be used to your advantage.

As per Instagram:

“Instagram will notify all your followers or Close Friends depending on the audience you select that you’re live, allowing them to join by watching and commenting on your livestream. After you finish your broadcast, the video will be stored in your archive (if you have Live archives turned on from profile settings before you go live), but you can choose to save it to your camera roll or share it as a reel on your profile.”

Benefits of Instagram Live Streaming

Instagram highlights several benefits of live streaming, including real-time interaction and the opportunity for authentic connection. Live streaming allows you to showcase your personality and create more content for your IG feed, thereby enhancing your overall engagement.

Tips for Successful Instagram Live Streams

To help you get the most out of your live streams, Instagram offers the following recommendations:

  1. Plan Your Content:
    • Whether you want to share your current mood or a new project, having a clear idea of what you want to discuss helps keep the broadcast focused and engaging.
  2. Promote Your Live Broadcast:
    • Inform your followers ahead of time so they can set reminders and join your live stream.
  3. Engage with Your Viewers:
    • Respond to comments and questions during the broadcast to make viewers feel connected and heard.
  4. Be Authentic:
    • Show your true self and let your personality shine through. Authenticity fosters a stronger connection with your audience.

Enhancing Your Live Stream Experience

Instagram’s guide also includes tips on using additional live functions to enhance the viewer experience. These features include filters and effects, fundraisers, and sharing images within the broadcast.

With these insights and tools, Instagram Live can be a powerful avenue to boost your IG performance, especially during the upcoming holiday season. The new features and tips provided can help you engage more effectively with your fans and followers during live streams.


Utilizing Instagram Live can significantly enhance your brand’s engagement and connection with your audience. By following Instagram’s tips and leveraging the platform’s features, you can create dynamic and engaging live streams that resonate with your viewers.

Ready to boost your content strategy? Contact us today to learn how we can help you!