Google Trends Update: Implement ‘Trending Now’ Tool in Your Marketing


Google has recently upgraded its “Trending Now” tool within Google Trends, offering marketers and advertisers a more powerful way to tap into real-time search trends. These updates promise to deliver fresher data, more regional insights, and better customization options. For businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve, this tool is about to become indispensable. Here’s a look at how the new features can elevate your marketing and SEO efforts.

Real-Time Trends: See More, Faster

The heart of this update is a cutting-edge trend forecasting engine that detects emerging trends with remarkable speed and accuracy. This engine identifies 10 times more emerging trends than before and refreshes every 10 minutes on average. As a result, you can now see the latest search swings just as they start to gain traction.

The redesigned Trending Now tool presents the most valuable context front and centre. Now, you’ll get a detailed breakdown of each trend, including when it started, how long it’s been trending, and any related news articles. Additionally, a graph showing the trend’s search interest over time is available, allowing for a quick comparison of multiple trends. This feature is now accessible in 125 countries, with 40 of those offering even more granular regional insights.

Customizable Insights: Tailor Your View

Another significant enhancement is the ability to customize your Trending Now view. With the updated filters, you can easily zero in on the data that matters most to you. Whether you’re curious about popular searches in a specific region or want to focus on trends from the last few hours or days, the new filter options have you covered.

This customization allows you to filter out trends that have lost momentum, ensuring you only see active, relevant trends. This level of detail is particularly useful for marketers who need to make quick decisions based on the most current data available.

Optimizing Marketing Strategy: Why Trending Now Matters

Google’s updated Trending Now tool is more than just a window into popular search terms. It’s a strategic asset that can inform your content creation, ad campaigns, and overall marketing strategy. By understanding what’s trending in real-time, you can align your content with what your audience is actively searching for, thereby increasing engagement and relevance.

For example, if a trend related to your industry suddenly spikes, you can quickly create content or ads that capitalize on that interest. This responsiveness can give you a significant edge in a competitive market. Moreover, the ability to export data for a closer look enables deeper analysis and better-informed decisions.

Expanding Global Reach: 125 Countries and Counting

The reach of the Trending Now tool has also expanded significantly. It’s now available in 125 countries, making it easier for businesses with global audiences to stay on top of regional trends. In 40 of these countries, you can drill down even further to see what’s trending in specific regions. This global perspective ensures that your marketing strategy is informed by the most relevant data, no matter where your audience is located.

Conclusion: Leverage Google’s Enhanced Trending Now Tool

Google’s revamped Trending Now tool within Google Trends offers a wealth of new features designed to help businesses stay ahead. By providing real-time insights, customizable data views, and broader regional coverage, this tool is set to become a cornerstone of effective marketing and SEO strategies.

At Amber 90, we understand the importance of staying current with the latest tools and trends. Contact us today to learn how we can help you integrate Google’s Trending Now tool into your marketing strategy and make the most of these powerful insights.

The Power of Google Analytics: Key Metrics to Monitor


Google Analytics (GA) is the digital compass that guides and influences marketing decisions for various entrepreneurs and business owners. But let’s face it, for many diving into the Analytics dashboard is confusing. With so much data to consumer we’re going to help you with this guide. We’re going to walk you through the key metrics in Google Analytics that are essential for boosting your online presence, lead generation, and sealing those all-important deals. By the end of this read, you’ll have a map leading to the hidden gems of online success! 


Understanding Google Analytics 

Google Analytics isn’t just a tool; it’s your digital marketing Swiss Army Knife. In the realm of online advertising, content marketing, social media marketing, and A.I advancements, this platform offers a goldmine of insights. Grasping the basics of Google Analytics sets the foundation for mastering the digital space. 


The Essential Metrics for Every Business Owner 

Traffic Metrics: Understanding Your Audience 

  • Users, Sessions, and Pageviews: These are your ABCs in Google Analytics. They tell you how many people are visiting, how often, and what they’re looking at. 
  • Traffic Sources: Knowing whether visitors come from search engines, social media, or direct links helps tailor your marketing strategies effectively. 


Behaviour Metrics: How Visitors Interact with Your Site 

  • Pages per Session and Average Session Duration: These numbers reveal if your content is engaging enough to keep visitors browsing. 
  • Bounce Rate: High bounce rates might signal that it’s time to revamp your landing pages or content strategy. 


Conversion Tracking: The Key to Measuring Success 

Without conversion tracking, you’re shooting in the dark. By setting up goals and e-commerce tracking, you understand precisely what drives sales and conversions. 


Audience Insights: Knowing Your Customer 

  • Demographics and Interests: Cater your content and marketing strategies to the audience that’s actually interested in your products or services. 
  • Geo-Location Data: Tailoring your strategy based on location can significantly boost your market relevance. 


Advanced Metrics: Taking Your Analysis Further 

  • Event Tracking and Custom Dimensions: Get granular with what actions users are taking and tailor your website accordingly. 
  • Multi-Channel Funnels and Attribution Modeling: Understand the entire journey of your customer, from the first click to the final sale. 


Content Marketing Analysis: Optimizing Your Content Strategy 

Identify what content works best and understand your audience’s engagement levels. This is key to driving organic traffic and improving SEO. 


Social Media Marketing and Its Impact on Website Traffic 

  • Analyzing Social Media Traffic: Measure the effectiveness of your social media strategies in driving website traffic. 
  • Measuring the ROI of Social Media Campaigns: Know which platforms and campaigns are giving you the best return on investment. 


The Future of Digital Marketing: AI Marketing Advancements 

Leverage the power of predictive analytics and AI to stay ahead of the curve. Integrating these tools with Google Analytics opens up a new world of insights. 


Ensuring Accurate Data: Properly Installing Tags on Your Website 

To ensure the data you’re getting is accurate, correctly installing Google Analytics tags on your website is crucial. This support article from Google provides a step-by-step guide on setting up your tags to track user interactions accurately. Remember everything moving forward needs to be GA4 (Google Analytics 4) as UA (Universal Analytics) is no longer active.  


Utilizing Google Tag Manager for Streamlined Tag Management 

Google Tag Manager (GTM) simplifies the process of managing your tags. Learn how to use this tool to update and manage your analytics tags efficiently without always needing a developer. If you’re not using GTM click here to get a free account. This makes adding tracking tags and pixels to your site an absolute breeze. 


Actionable Strategies for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs 

Finally, make Google Analytics work for you. Regularly monitoring these metrics and making data-driven decisions can transform your online presence. If your website is running without GA or you haven’t launched your website yet, you can always sign up for a Google Analytics account for free today! 



Google Analytics is more than just numbers and graphs; it’s the compass that guides your digital strategy towards success. Harness its power, and you’ll navigate the digital marketing seas like a pro. Remember, knowledge is power, but only when applied. If you want to take an even deeper dive into the GA platform, check out the free courses Google offers in their Google Analytics Academy. Happy analyzing! 



Eager to explore more or need help personalizing your digital marketing strategy? Dive deeper with our resources or contact us today for a free marketing consultation and expert guidance tailored to your business needs. 

Building a Winning Strategy for Paid Search Advertising


Paid search advertising is a key component for almost all online marketing endeavours. Dive into the ocean of digital marketing and emerge with a treasure trove of leads, conversions, and ROI. That’s the power of a well-crafted paid search strategy! As an experienced digital marketer, I’m here to guide you through creating a plan that not only boosts your online presence but turns clicks into customers. Let’s unlock the potential of paid search together and propel your business to new heights! 


Understanding Paid Search Advertising 

Why Paid Search is a Game Changer 

It’s not just about getting your brand in front of eyes; it’s about getting it in front of the right eyes. With AI advancements, paid search has become more sophisticated, offering unparalleled targeting and personalization. 


Setting Clear Objectives 

Aligning with Your Business Goals 

Is it brand awareness, lead generation, or direct sales? By setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals, your advertising efforts will be more focused and effective. If you have a plan you’re planning to succeed but without a plan, you’re planning to fail. Keep that in mind while you consider what advertising goals align with your business goals.


Knowing Your Audience 

The Art of Audience Targeting 

Understanding your audience is the next crucial factor. Who are they? What are their pain points? Utilize AI tools and data analytics to gain deeper insights and craft messages that resonate with different segments. 


Crafting Compelling Ad Copy  

Words That Click 

Great ad copy is the bridge between a potential lead and a conversion. Use your SEO prowess to create relevant, engaging ads. Remember, A/B testing is your best friend – always be optimizing! 


Choosing the Right Keywords 

The Backbone of Paid Search 

Keywords are the foundation of your paid search strategy. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or other tools like SEMRush to find the perfect balance between broad, exact, and long-tail keywords. And don’t forget, understanding the intent behind searches is key. 


Leveraging Advanced Tools and Technologies 

Embracing AI and Analytics 

Stay ahead of the curve by utilizing AI for market prediction and optimization. Track your campaign’s performance with analytics tools and automate where possible for efficiency. Consider other ‘Spy’ tools like SEMRush, AdSpy, Meta Ads Library, and others to get the edge on your competitors.


Budgeting and Bidding Strategies  

Maximizing Your ROI 

Effective budget management is crucial. Understand different bidding strategies and allocate your budget in a way that maximizes your return on investment. 


Integration with Other Marketing Channels  

Creating a Unified Front 

Paid search shouldn’t exist in a vacuum. Integrate it with your content marketing, social media, and email campaigns for a cohesive marketing strategy. This integration not only reinforces your paid search efforts but also provides a comprehensive approach to reaching your audience. 


Lead Management and Conversion Optimization 

Turning Clicks into Customers 

Your journey doesn’t end with a click. Effective lead management and nurturing, along with Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) strategies for your landing pages, are vital in turning those clicks into loyal customers. 


Monitoring, Testing, and Iteration 

The Power of Data-Driven Decisions 

Continuously monitor and analyze key metrics. The digital marketing landscape is always evolving, and so should your strategy. Test, adapt, and iterate based on the insights you gather. This step cannot be forgotten. There’s no such thing as ‘Set and Forget’, you have to keep up with the constant changes and trends. 



Paid search advertising is a dynamic and powerful tool in the digital marketer’s toolkit. By understanding its nuances and integrating it effectively into your overall marketing strategy, you can achieve remarkable results. Remember, the world of paid search is ever-changing – stay curious, stay adaptive, and most importantly, stay focused on your goals. Consider getting help from reliable industry experts. Maybe the ones who crafted this article. We’re here to help tailor a winning paid ads strategy for your business

The Art of Writing Compelling Ad Copy


Ad copy is king. Wait, creative is king. No, your landing page is king. We’ve heard it all, seen it all, and let’s be honest each component of an ad plays a key role in building brand awareness, trust, and turning your views and clicks into actual clients. To say one plays a more substantial role in getting clients wouldn’t be accurate. Some people are driven by visuals, while others tend to be driven by the words you’re using. In this article we’ll unlock the secrets of crafting ad copy that not only speaks to your audience but drives them to take action. Get ready to transform your clicks into customers and your messages into conversions! 


Understanding the Fundamentals of Ad Copy 

Before you dive into the deep end, let’s get our feet wet with what ad copy really is. It’s more than just words on a screen; it’s your first handshake, your opening pitch, your moment to shine. Effective ad copy grabs attention, stirs interest, and nudges the reader towards that all-important action, whether it’s a click, a call, or a purchase. 


Key Components of Compelling Ad Copy 

 1. Clarity is King: Your message should be clear as a bell. No jargon, no beating around the bush – just straight talk. 

2. Brevity is Beauty: In the digital world, less is more. Get to the point, and fast 

3. Call to Action (CTA): This is your closer. It should be compelling, urging the reader to take that next step. 


Crafting Ad Copy for Different Digital Platforms 

Each social platform has its own beat, and your ad copy needs to match the rhythm. Instagram loves a good story, LinkedIn respects authority, and Facebook enjoys a friendly chat. Understand these nuances, and you’ve got a multi-platform strategy that hits the mark every time. But it’s not just social platform you need to be mindful of. You also need to consider your audience and the people you want engaging with your brand. 


Applying Consumer Psychology 

This is where you play mind games, in a good way. Use psychological triggers like urgency, scarcity, or the fear of missing out (FOMO) to make your readers act now, not later. Storytelling isn’t just for kids; it’s a powerful tool to connect emotionally and make your brand memorable. Engagement thrives when your copy is compelling and relatable. Remember to have fun and be unique. Your brand’s voice is relying on it. 


Leveraging AI in Ad Copywriting 

Welcome to the future, where AI and human creativity coexist. AI tools can suggest, tweak, and even write some of your ad copy. But remember, they don’t replace the human touch; they enhance it. They can handle the data and trends, leaving you free to inject soul and personality into your copy. Human emotion is the most genuine aspect you can add to your ad copy. 


Measuring and Analyzing Ad Copy Performance 

If you’re not measuring, you’re guessing. Use analytics tools to track how your ad copy performs. Look at click-through rates, engagement, and conversion metrics. This data isn’t just numbers; it’s the feedback loop that tells you what’s working and what’s not. Another great tool is UTM tracking. This section should not be overlooked. Data driven decisions with copy are crucial. It’s not what you think sounds best, it’s what you can prove works. 


Ethical Considerations and Best Practices 

In the quest for catchy ad copy, don’t lose your moral compass. Be honest, be fair, and respect privacy. No false promises, no misleading claims. Remember, trust is harder to gain than clicks. 


Case Studies and Success Stories 

When it comes to copy we believe we’re kings. Ad copy speaks on behalf of the brand you’re advertising for. When we sit down with our clients we take into consideration their brand voice. A client of ours was struggling to put together ads that resonated with their audience. We transformed their ads from 0.38% CTR to 1.91% just by modifying their copy and making it more personable to the audience they were looking to engage. 



You’re now armed with the knowledge to craft ad copy that not only attracts but also engages and converts. Remember, the world of digital marketing is always evolving. Keep experimenting, keep refining, and most importantly, keep connecting with your audience. The more relatable you can be with your audience the more engagement you’ll see. 


Your Turn to Shine 

Got a success story or a challenge you faced with your ad copy? Share it with us! Let’s keep the conversation going and build a community that thrives on shared wisdom and collective growth. Looking to get help with your ads or tips to improve your marketing strategy? Contact us for free consultation today!