New Guide to Instagram Live Streaming: Enhance Your Performance

How to Maximize Your Live Streams

Instagram has released a new guide to live streaming on its platform, offering valuable insights for brands looking to enhance their outreach and increase engagement with their audience. This comprehensive guide covers everything from scheduling broadcasts to incorporating co-hosts for dynamic live chats.

How to Go Live on Instagram

Instagram’s live streaming guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to start a live broadcast. It explains the basics, such as scheduling a live session and inviting co-hosts, which can help facilitate engaging conversations and interactions with your viewers.

Leveraging Live Notifications

The guide also details how Instagram’s live notifications work and how they can be used to your advantage.

As per Instagram:

“Instagram will notify all your followers or Close Friends depending on the audience you select that you’re live, allowing them to join by watching and commenting on your livestream. After you finish your broadcast, the video will be stored in your archive (if you have Live archives turned on from profile settings before you go live), but you can choose to save it to your camera roll or share it as a reel on your profile.”

Benefits of Instagram Live Streaming

Instagram highlights several benefits of live streaming, including real-time interaction and the opportunity for authentic connection. Live streaming allows you to showcase your personality and create more content for your IG feed, thereby enhancing your overall engagement.

Tips for Successful Instagram Live Streams

To help you get the most out of your live streams, Instagram offers the following recommendations:

  1. Plan Your Content:
    • Whether you want to share your current mood or a new project, having a clear idea of what you want to discuss helps keep the broadcast focused and engaging.
  2. Promote Your Live Broadcast:
    • Inform your followers ahead of time so they can set reminders and join your live stream.
  3. Engage with Your Viewers:
    • Respond to comments and questions during the broadcast to make viewers feel connected and heard.
  4. Be Authentic:
    • Show your true self and let your personality shine through. Authenticity fosters a stronger connection with your audience.

Enhancing Your Live Stream Experience

Instagram’s guide also includes tips on using additional live functions to enhance the viewer experience. These features include filters and effects, fundraisers, and sharing images within the broadcast.

With these insights and tools, Instagram Live can be a powerful avenue to boost your IG performance, especially during the upcoming holiday season. The new features and tips provided can help you engage more effectively with your fans and followers during live streams.


Utilizing Instagram Live can significantly enhance your brand’s engagement and connection with your audience. By following Instagram’s tips and leveraging the platform’s features, you can create dynamic and engaging live streams that resonate with your viewers.

Ready to boost your content strategy? Contact us today to learn how we can help you!

Maximize Your Marketing: TikTok Unveils Marketing Guide for SMBs


With holiday planning now in full swing, TikTok has released a comprehensive marketing playbook tailored for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). This guide is designed to help businesses maximize their marketing efforts on the popular platform, providing valuable insights and strategies.

A Comprehensive Guide to TikTok Marketing

The 19-page playbook offers an extensive overview of TikTok marketing, filled with useful tips and strategies to enhance your approach. This guide covers various aspects of TikTok marketing, ensuring that businesses can effectively leverage the platform to reach their target audience.

Key Highlights from the Guide

1. TikTok’s Popularity and Relevance: The guide begins with an overview of TikTok’s growing popularity and its relevance for marketers. It provides a range of usage statistics that highlight why TikTok is an essential platform for marketing efforts.

2. TikTok Ad Tools: The playbook details the different ad tools available on TikTok and how businesses can use them to their advantage. Understanding these tools is crucial for creating effective ad campaigns that resonate with your audience.

3. Creative Tips for Videos: TikTok has included a variety of creative tips to help businesses produce engaging and compelling videos. These tips are designed to inspire and guide you in creating content that captures attention and drives engagement.

4. Content Inspiration and Ideas: To spark your creativity, the guide offers numerous ideas and examples for TikTok content. These suggestions can help you brainstorm and develop a content strategy that aligns with your brand and goals.

5. Content Mapping: The playbook provides an example of how to map out your TikTok content. This section is particularly useful for planning and organizing your content calendar, ensuring a consistent and strategic approach to your TikTok advertising efforts.

Why This Guide is Valuable

While some of the notes and tips in the guide might seem familiar, there are valuable pointers that can refine your TikTok strategy. By following the recommendations in the playbook, businesses can make the most of the tools available on TikTok and enhance their marketing performance.

Download the Guide

If you’re looking to focus on TikTok marketing campaigns this year, this guide is definitely worth considering. You can download TikTok’s 2024 CPG Playbook for SMBs here.

Call to Action

Ready to elevate your TikTok marketing strategy? Contact us today to learn how we can help you create effective TikTok ad campaigns that drive results.

Reddit Unveils Lead Generation Ads: A New Era for Marketers

Reddit has introduced a new advertising format, Lead Generation (Lead Gen) Ads, designed to help marketers collect prospective customer information directly from their promotions within the app. This new feature promises to enhance user experience and improve lead quality for advertisers.

Reddit Lead Gen Ads: How They Work

Reddit’s Lead Gen Ads function as expected, featuring a “Sign Up” call-to-action (CTA). When users click on this CTA, they are directed to a sign-up form where they can enter their details. This streamlined process is designed to be user-friendly, particularly for mobile users, with features like auto-population of the email field to reduce friction.

Positive Early Results

Early testing of Reddit’s Lead Gen Ads has shown promising results. For example, LaunchDarkly, a feature management platform, reported a 30% decrease in cost per lead and a 25% increase in lead submission rates compared to their previous conversion campaigns on Reddit. These improvements highlight the potential effectiveness of this new ad format across various industries.

Benefits of Reddit Lead Gen Ads

Lead Gen Ads on Reddit offer several advantages:

  1. Enhanced Lead Quality: Advertisers have reported better quality leads, which can lead to more effective marketing campaigns.
  2. Improved Campaign Performance: The initial tests have shown increased lead submission rates, indicating higher engagement from users.
  3. Targeted Advertising: Marketers can direct these ads to specific Reddit communities, allowing for precise targeting and increased brand awareness.

Integration with Zapier

In addition to the Lead Gen Ads, Reddit has announced a new integration with the automation platform Zapier. This integration allows advertisers to seamlessly transfer lead information from Reddit directly into their CRM systems. This automation can streamline the process of managing and nurturing leads, making it easier for businesses to capitalize on their advertising efforts.

Expanding Reddit’s Ad Suite

The introduction of Lead Gen Ads and the Zapier integration represent significant additions to Reddit’s growing suite of advertising tools. As Reddit continues to expand its business opportunities, these features provide valuable tools for marketers looking to maximize their reach and effectiveness on the platform.

Lead Gen Ads are now available to all advertisers globally, while the Zapier integration is available to brands working directly with Reddit’s ad team.


Reddit’s new Lead Gen Ads offer a powerful tool for marketers to collect high-quality leads directly from their promotions. Coupled with the Zapier integration, these ads can streamline lead management and enhance campaign performance. As Reddit continues to innovate and expand its advertising capabilities, marketers have more opportunities than ever to engage with the platform’s diverse and active user base.

Looking to leverage Reddit’s new Lead Gen Ads for your marketing campaigns? Contact us today!

Google Has Abandoned It’s Plan to Phase Out Cookies

Wait a Minute

In a surprising shift, Google has announced that it will not be retiring third-party cookies after all. After years of signalling a major shift towards enhanced data privacy, Google has decided to abandon its plan to phase out tracking cookies, opting instead to introduce a new approach that prioritizes user choice and control.

Google’s Revised Approach to Data Privacy

For years, Google has been preparing the digital marketing industry for the end of third-party cookies. Initially, Google planned to phase out cookie tracking by 2022, aligning with global trends toward greater data privacy and user control. However, due to various challenges and industry pushback, this phase-out was delayed multiple times.

Now, Google is taking a different route. According to a recent statement, Google is proposing an updated approach that elevates user choice rather than deprecating third-party cookies.

As per Google:

“We are proposing an updated approach that elevates user choice. Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time. We’re discussing this new path with regulators, and will engage with the industry as we roll this out.”

This announcement effectively ends five years of uncertainty and speculation within the industry.

The Journey to This Decision

Back in 2020, Google announced its initial plan to eliminate cookie tracking, targeting 2022 for the full phase-out. This move was part of a broader initiative to enhance data privacy and give web users more control over their personal information. Google’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) was developed as an alternative, designed to track user activity without personal identifiers. However, FLoC faced significant challenges and criticism from various industries and regulatory bodies.

In response to these challenges, Google shifted its focus to the Privacy Sandbox project, an initiative aimed at developing privacy-preserving alternatives to third-party cookies. Launched for public use in September 2023, Privacy Sandbox was intended to replace cookies by categorizing users into topic groups rather than tracking individuals.

Despite these efforts, concerns raised by regulatory bodies, particularly the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), led to further delays. By January 2024, Google had a new plan to implement Privacy Sandbox as the primary alternative by Q3 2024. However, due to ongoing regulatory challenges and industry feedback, Google has now decided to maintain the status quo.

What This Means for Marketers

For digital marketers, this announcement means a temporary reprieve from overhauling their data tracking and analytics systems. While Google will continue to develop and invest in Privacy Sandbox APIs, third-party cookies will remain in use for the foreseeable future.

Future Implications and Industry Impact

Google’s decision to retain tracking cookies while exploring new data privacy solutions signals a significant shift in its approach. The new model will focus on user empowerment, allowing individuals to control their data sharing preferences across web browsing activities.

This move is expected to have several implications:

  • Continued Use of Cookies: Marketers can continue using third-party cookies for tracking and analytics without immediate disruption.
  • User Choice: Enhanced user control over data privacy settings may lead to increased transparency and trust.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ongoing collaboration with regulators will shape the development and implementation of new privacy solutions.

Google’s revised approach aims to balance user privacy with the needs of the digital marketing industry. As this new path unfolds, marketers and industry stakeholders will need to stay informed about changes and adapt their strategies accordingly.


Google’s decision not to phase out tracking cookies marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing evolution of data privacy and digital marketing. By prioritizing user choice and regulatory compliance, Google seeks to navigate the complex landscape of privacy concerns while maintaining the effectiveness of digital marketing tools.

Stay tuned for more updates on Google’s data privacy initiatives and how they will impact the future of digital marketing.

Looking for more insights on digital marketing trends and data privacy? Contact us today!

Unlock New Advertising Potential: Meta Expands Reels Overlay Ads

Meta Updates Reels Ads

Meta introduces an innovative advertising option within Reels, its fastest-growing content format. Reels overlay ads are now available to a broader range of advertisers, offering new opportunities to engage audiences in a dynamic and visually compelling way.

What Are Reels Overlay Ads?

Reels overlay ads appear directly on the screen with a prominent call-to-action (CTA) prompt. Additionally, they can feature either single images or carousel promotions. These ads integrate seamlessly into the Reels experience, providing a non-intrusive yet impactful way to capture viewer attention.

Key Features and Benefits

Reels overlay ads offer several unique features:

  • Single Image or Carousel Format: Choose between a single image or a carousel of images to deliver your message effectively.
  • On-Screen CTA: A large CTA prompt encourages immediate viewer engagement.
  • Flexible Placement: Ads can either expand on the second playthrough of a Reel or appear between clips as direct promotions.

How Reels Overlay Ads Work

According to Meta, these ads appear as banners on Reels videos or as video ads between Reels. This dual approach provides flexibility, allowing advertisers to choose the format that best suits their campaign goals. Moreover, whether the ads expand on the second view or insert between clips, they are designed to maximize viewer engagement.

The Power of Reels

Reels drive major engagement on Facebook and Instagram, generating a staggering 200 billion views per day. Consequently, this shift underscores the importance of video content in capturing user attention. In addition, Reels engagement significantly contributes to user retention and interaction, thereby transforming Facebook into a more entertainment-focused platform.

Strategic Implications for Advertisers

As Facebook evolves into an entertainment hub, marketers must adapt their strategies to leverage video content effectively. Utilizing Reels overlay ads helps brands tap into this captive audience, enhancing their reach and impact through visually appealing and engaging promotions.

How to Get Started

Meta is gradually rolling out Reels overlay ads to more advertisers. To start using this feature, publish ads on Reels at the Ad set level in Meta Ads Manager by selecting Reels placements (or Advantage+). This straightforward process allows you to easily incorporate Reels overlay ads into your marketing strategy.


The introduction of Reels overlay ads marks a significant expansion in Meta’s advertising capabilities. By embracing this new format, advertisers connect with a highly engaged audience, ensuring their brand messages reach and engage viewers. Stay updated with Meta’s announcements to fully leverage these opportunities and keep your marketing efforts ahead of the curve.

Contact our team today to get started with Meta ads or get a free analysis on your current ads.

Unlock Your Creative Potential with YouTube Shorts Latest Features

Unleashing Creativity with YouTube Shorts: New Features to Elevate Your Content

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, YouTube remains at the forefront, constantly innovating to enhance the user experience. With the latest updates to YouTube Shorts, creators now have a wealth of new tools at their disposal to create engaging, dynamic content. Let’s dive into these new features and explore how they can help you maximize your YouTube presence.

Auto Layout: Transforming Long Videos into Shorts

One of the standout features YouTube is introducing is the Auto Layout tool, initially available for Android users. This tool is designed to make the process of converting longer videos into Shorts more seamless. By automatically tracking the main subject of your video, Auto Layout dynamically pans, zooms, and crops to optimize content for the vertical format of Shorts. This innovation ensures your videos maintain their focus and visual appeal, even when condensed into shorter clips.

Text to Speech: Adding a New Layer of Expression

In a move inspired by TikTok’s popular feature, YouTube has introduced Text to Speech for Shorts. This feature allows creators to have their text narrated, offering four different voices to choose from. This can add a unique touch to your videos, making them more engaging and accessible, especially for viewers who might be watching without sound.

Enhanced Captions: Customization at Your Fingertips

Auto-generated captions are another exciting addition to YouTube Shorts. Furthermore, not only do they make your content more accessible, but they also allow for customization with various fonts and colours. Additionally, this feature ensures that your captions are not just functional but also an integral part of your video’s aesthetic. Consequently, this helps your Shorts stand out and keep viewers engaged.

Interactive Stickers: Sparking Community Engagement

The new “Add Yours” sticker is a powerful tool for fostering community interaction. This feature allows creators to prompt their audience to create and share their own related content, effectively starting a chain reaction of creativity. Whether you’re showcasing a new skill or sharing a fun moment, the “Add Yours” sticker can inspire your viewers to join in and contribute their own content, enhancing engagement and building a sense of community.

Minecraft Effects: Celebrating Creativity

In celebration of Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, YouTube has introduced two new Minecraft-themed effects for Shorts. Minecraft Spring transports users into the iconic blocky world, while Minecraft Rush offers a mini-game within the Shorts player. These effects provide a playful and interactive element to your videos, encouraging viewers to participate and share their own Minecraft-themed creations.

Remix a Remix: Endless Possibilities

Building on its suite of remixing tools, YouTube now allows creators to remix already remixed Shorts clips. This feature opens up new avenues for creativity, enabling you to add your own twist to existing trends or challenges. Whether it’s a dance trend or a musical chain, remixing a remix ensures that the creative possibilities are endless, keeping your content fresh and engaging.

The Power of Shorts: Driving Engagement and Revenue

Shorts have become an integral part of YouTube’s ecosystem, driving over 70 billion daily views. They offer creators a dynamic way to engage with their audience and build their presence on the platform. According to YouTube, 25% of YouTube Partner Program (YPP) creators are now earning money through Shorts, highlighting its potential as a revenue stream. While the earnings from Shorts might not yet match those from longer videos, the format is becoming increasingly important for community building and connection.


With these new features, YouTube Shorts is poised to become an even more powerful tool for creators. From transforming long videos into engaging Shorts with Auto Layout to adding interactive elements like Text to Speech and the “Add Yours” sticker, YouTube is providing the tools needed to enhance creativity and engagement. As Shorts continue to gain traction, these updates will help creators maximize their impact and build a stronger presence on the platform. Whether you’re a seasoned YouTuber or just starting out, these features offer exciting opportunities to connect with your audience in new and innovative ways.

Looking for help with building your brand on YouTube? Contact us today!

Master Instagram Reels: Tips to Skyrocket Your Engagement

Mastering Instagram Reels: Essential Tips to Boost Your Content

As the social media landscape continues to evolve, Instagram remains a key platform for creators looking to engage with their audience. To help you maximize the potential of your Instagram Reels, Instagram has shared some valuable tips on their Professional Dashboard. Let’s dive into these tips and explore how they can enhance your Reels strategy.


best practices           new reels optimizations            reels best practices

As you can see in a recent post by Lia Haberman on Threads, she has shared screenshots where to find these tips and Instagrams recommendations for users.


Grabbing Attention in the First 3 Seconds

First and foremost, capturing your audience’s attention within the initial 3 seconds is crucial. This can make or break your Reel’s success. Therefore, start with a visually compelling scene or a provocative question to hook viewers instantly.

Optimal Reel Length: 30-60 Seconds

Next, Instagram suggests that Reels between 30 to 60 seconds perform better. It’s important to note that while 90-second Reels are possible, they often don’t engage viewers as effectively. Consequently, keeping your content concise and to the point can significantly enhance viewer retention.

Leveraging Trending Hashtags and Audio

Additionally, utilizing trending hashtags and audio can boost your Reel’s visibility. Despite some debate over the effectiveness of hashtags in extending reach, tapping into current trends remains a powerful strategy to increase your content’s discoverability.

Driving Direct Engagement

Moreover, aiming to drive direct engagement is essential. Encouraging viewers to share your Reels can amplify your reach and foster a sense of community around your content. For instance, you could pose questions, run polls, or create shareable challenges to boost interaction.

Timely Responses to Comments

Responding to comments within seven days is another key tip from Instagram. Timely interaction with your audience not only boosts engagement but also builds a loyal community. Thus, make it a habit to check and reply to comments regularly.

Cross-Platform Sharing

Furthermore, sharing your content on Instagram simultaneously with other platforms can broaden your audience base. This strategy ensures that your followers across different platforms receive your content promptly, maximizing its impact.

Creating Relatable and Humorous Content

Relatable and humorous content tends to perform well on Instagram. People enjoy content that they can connect with on a personal level. Therefore, infuse your Reels with everyday humor and situations that your audience can relate to.

High-Resolution Uploads

High-resolution clips are a must. Quality matters, and uploading your Reels in high resolution ensures they look professional and appealing, which can enhance viewer engagement.

Consistency: Create 10+ Reels Per Month

Consistency is key to maintaining audience interest. Instagram recommends creating at least 10 Reels per month. This regular posting schedule keeps your audience engaged and increases the chances of your content being discovered.

Staying Inspired and Creative

Finally, staying creative and inspired is crucial. Familiarize yourself with current Reels trends and observe what’s working for others on the platform. If you’re ever stuck, exploring Instagram’s trending section or even using AI tools to spark ideas can be helpful.


In conclusion, these tips from Instagram’s Professional Dashboard offer a comprehensive guide to enhancing your Reels content. By capturing attention quickly, leveraging trends, engaging directly with your audience, and maintaining high-quality uploads, you can significantly boost your Reels performance. Embrace these strategies, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering Instagram Reels and growing your presence on the platform.

Whether you’ve created 5 reels or 500, if you need help with your Reels strategy contact us today!

Avoid Apple’s 30% Service Fee on iOS Meta Ads

How to Avoid Apple’s 30% Service Fee on iOS Meta Ads: A Comprehensive Guide

With Apple’s 30% service fee now applicable to all ads purchased within Meta’s main apps on iOS, many advertisers are seeking ways to sidestep these extra charges on Meta ads. In response, Meta has introduced a variety of options to help advertisers avoid these additional fees effectively.

What You Need to Know

If you’ve ever boosted a post on Facebook or Instagram, it’s crucial to understand these changes. Meta recently detailed its updated process and has now provided a simplified guide to help advertisers navigate these new options.

Understanding the Changes

Meta’s updated process aims to streamline the ad purchase experience while allowing advertisers to bypass Apple’s 30% service fee. This guide will walk you through the key points you need to know:

  1. Direct Purchase Options: Meta encourages advertisers to purchase ads directly through their web platform instead of in-app purchases. By doing so, you can avoid the 30% service fee imposed by Apple on transactions made within iOS apps.
  2. Ad Credit Usage: Meta has introduced ad credits that can be applied to your account. These credits can be used to purchase ads without incurring additional fees, providing a cost-effective solution for advertisers.
  3. Third-Party Payment Systems: Meta is exploring partnerships with third-party payment systems to offer alternative payment methods. These systems are designed to bypass Apple’s fee structure, ensuring that your advertising budget is used more efficiently.

Step-by-Step Guide to Avoiding Extra Charges

Here’s a simple overview to keep handy as you adjust your ad purchasing habits:

  1. Boost Posts Through the Web: Instead of boosting posts directly from the Facebook or Instagram apps on your iPhone, use a desktop browser to access Meta’s ad platform. This method avoids the 30% fee associated with in-app purchases.
  2. Utilize Ad Credits: Check if your account is eligible for ad credits. Apply these credits when setting up your ad campaigns to reduce costs effectively.
  3. Stay Updated on New Payment Options: Meta is continually updating its payment options. Keep an eye on announcements for new third-party payment systems that could help you save on service fees.

Final Thoughts

Navigating these changes might seem daunting at first, but Meta’s new options provide straightforward ways to avoid the additional charges imposed by Apple. By altering your ad purchasing habits, you can maintain your advertising budget and continue to reach your audience effectively.

For more detailed information and updates, make sure to follow Meta’s official announcements. Keeping informed will ensure you maximize your advertising spend without unnecessary fees. If you have any questions about current Meta ads or getting started with Meta ads contact us today! 

Digital Advertising in a Cookieless World: Embracing the Future


As the digital landscape evolves, the imminent phase-out of third-party cookies by 2024 marks a pivotal shift in digital advertising. This change necessitates a strategic adaptation for marketers to maintain effective customer engagement. The reliance on third-party cookies, once a cornerstone of digital advertising, has faced increasing scrutiny due to privacy concerns. This blog delves into the implications of this transition, explores the benefits of first-party data, and underscores the pivotal role of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) in a privacy-first world.

The Demise of Third-Party Cookies

Privacy-Driven Changes by Major Browsers


Apple’s commitment to user privacy began with the iOS 14 update, which required explicit user consent for tracking. The iOS 17 update further enhances privacy features with mail privacy protection, safety checks, and updated passkeys.


Google’s Chrome browser, holding approximately 60% of the global market share, will phase out third-party cookies by 2024. Instead, Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative will introduce privacy-preserving APIs to protect user privacy while enabling digital businesses to thrive.


Mozilla introduced Total Cookie Protection in 2020 and recently launched Mozilla Monitor Plus, a privacy monitoring service that helps users manage their data across various platforms.

Impact on Key Stakeholders


Media companies and tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Meta will be significantly affected. Forward-thinking publishers are shifting towards first-party data collection to sustain their revenue streams. According to Digiday, 78% of publishers believe that removing third-party cookies will enhance the value of their audience data.

Tech Giants

Google, Facebook, and Amazon have built robust first-party data ecosystems, positioning them well to weather the impact of losing third-party cookies. These tech giants leverage their vast user bases to gather first-party data, ensuring continued advertising effectiveness.


Advertisers must overhaul their strategies, focusing on first-party data to enhance transparency and control. The fragmented and non-transparent programmatic ad supply chain has resulted in significant inefficiencies. Moving towards first-party data collection will improve campaign performance and user trust.

Ad Tech Players

Ad Tech players like The Trade Desk are developing initiatives such as Unified ID 2.0 to replace cookie-based identifiers and maintain advertising attribution without third-party cookies.

Understanding Data Types

First-Party Data

Collected directly from users, first-party data is highly valuable and accurate. It reflects actual customer behavior and is gathered with user consent.

Second-Party Data

Shared between non-competitive partners, second-party data is less accurate than first-party data but still useful for marketing purposes.

Third-Party Data

Collected and sold by data brokers, third-party data is often unreliable and ethically questionable. Its availability to anyone diminishes its value.

Zero-Party Data

Voluntarily shared by customers, zero-party data is highly accurate and reliable, especially when combined with first-party data insights.

Transitioning from DMPs to CDPs

Data Management Platforms (DMPs)

DMPs manage anonymous cookie IDs and create audience segments using third-party data. However, the phasing out of third-party cookies will limit their effectiveness.

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs)

CDPs collect and organize first-party data, providing a comprehensive and consented view of customers. This shift allows brands to deliver personalized experiences without relying on third-party cookies.

Benefits of First-Party Data

Improved Accuracy

First-party data offers superior accuracy as it directly reflects customer interactions with a brand. A study by Google and Boston Consulting Group found that brands using first-party data achieve a 2.9x revenue lift and a 1.5x increase in cost savings.

Enhanced ROAS

First-party data enables highly personalized customer experiences, improving return on ad spend (ROAS). By leveraging this data, businesses can create more efficient lookalike targeting and retargeting campaigns.

Comprehensive Customer View

CDPs provide a holistic view of customer activity across channels, enhancing data quality and optimizing marketing spend. This comprehensive view helps brands understand user journeys and improve advertising performance.

Why CDPs Are Essential in a Privacy-First World

CDPs are crucial for businesses to comply with privacy regulations like CCPA and GDPR. They enable effective data management, including data deletion and suppression, ensuring adherence to regional privacy laws. CDPs also provide real-time customer profiles for personalized marketing, enhancing customer trust and loyalty.

Preparing for a Cookieless Future in Canada and the US

The Canadian and US Landscape

The impending phase-out of third-party cookies presents unique challenges and opportunities for advertisers in Canada and the US. Both regions have significant digital advertising markets and a strong focus on user privacy, making the transition to first-party data and CDPs essential for staying competitive.

Adapting to Privacy Regulations

In the US, privacy regulations like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) set the stage for a nationwide emphasis on user privacy. Advertisers must ensure compliance with these regulations by adopting CDPs that facilitate data management and user consent.

In Canada, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) governs data privacy. Canadian businesses must prioritize first-party data collection and management to meet these regulatory requirements and maintain customer trust.

Leveraging First-Party Data

Advertisers in both countries should focus on building robust first-party data strategies. This involves collecting data directly from users through transparent and ethical means. By fostering trust and providing value in exchange for data, businesses can enhance customer relationships and gain a competitive edge.

Implementing CDPs

CDPs play a pivotal role in this transition by providing a centralized platform for managing and activating first-party data. Canadian and US businesses should invest in CDPs to unify customer data, improve personalization, and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.

Building a Privacy-First Culture

Creating a privacy-first culture within organizations is crucial. This involves educating employees about data privacy best practices, implementing robust data protection measures, and regularly reviewing and updating privacy policies. A privacy-first approach not only ensures compliance but also builds customer trust and loyalty.


The end of third-party cookies marks a transformative moment in digital advertising. Businesses must pivot to first-party data and CDPs to maintain effective customer engagement and comply with privacy regulations. By embracing these changes, brands can build stronger customer relationships, enhance marketing performance, and secure a competitive advantage in a privacy-first world. Twilio Segment has released a full downloadable guide – check it out here.

Make sure you’re ready for this transition and contact Amber 90 to prepare for what’s next!

TikTok Implements Restrictions on Ads and AI Requirements


TikTok has introduced significant updates to its advertising policies in the U.S. and Canada. These changes include new restrictions on ads targeted at teens and enhanced AI disclosure requirements. The goal is to improve transparency and data control, creating a safer environment for all users across North America.

Major Changes to Teen Ad Targeting

TikTok’s latest update brings substantial changes to how advertisers can reach teens in the U.S. and Canada. Advertisers can no longer use personalized targeting and campaign selections for users under 20. Instead, they can only use broad targeting options such as location, language, and device-related information. According to TikTok:

“Advertisers will now only be able to reach teens using a few broad targeting options, such as location, language, and device-related information.”

This move protects teen user data from being exploited by advertisers. It aligns TikTok with other platforms like Meta, which implemented similar measures years ago. Considering that around 25% of TikTok’s audience is under 20, this change could significantly impact how brands approach teen marketing on the platform.

Personalized targeting uses data such as browsing history, app usage, and social media activity. Concerns about privacy and the potential influence on young minds have prompted these changes. TikTok’s approach ensures that advertisers cannot use detailed personal data to target teens, protecting their privacy and promoting a healthier online environment.

Enhanced Data Control for Users

TikTok is also giving users in the U.S. and Canada more control over their ad experience. Users can now adjust their ad preferences, allowing them to see more or fewer ads related to specific interests, such as “Outdoor Sports” or “Racing Games.” This ensures a more tailored and relevant ad experience.

Additionally, TikTok has introduced a “Disconnect Advertisers” feature. This allows users to prevent specific advertisers from using off-TikTok data for personalized ads. This feature gives users more control over their personal data and its use in advertising.

The “Clear My Activity” feature is another valuable addition. It allows users to disconnect any off-TikTok activity data shared by ad partners from their account. This means users can manage and clear data used for targeted advertising, enhancing their privacy and control over their digital footprint.

These features enhance user autonomy and privacy. By giving users the ability to control their ad preferences and disconnect from specific advertisers, TikTok promotes a user-centric approach to advertising.

New AI Disclosure Requirements

With the growing use of AI in advertising, TikTok has implemented new disclosure requirements for AI-generated content. Advertisers can now use a self-disclosure toggle in the TikTok Ads Manager to declare an ad as AI-generated. These ads will feature an AIGC (AI-Generated Content) label, ensuring users are aware they are interacting with AI content.

This is particularly relevant as TikTok plans to introduce AI avatars and virtual influencers to the platform. Following their success in the Chinese market, these digital personas will need clear labeling to distinguish them from real individuals. This move ensures users know when they are engaging with a digital persona rather than a real person. It is crucial for maintaining trust and authenticity on the platform.

The use of AI in advertising can enhance creativity and efficiency. However, it also raises questions about authenticity and transparency. By labeling AI-generated content, TikTok addresses these concerns, providing users with clear information about the nature of the ads they view.

Implementation and Impact

These updates to TikTok’s data control and ad restrictions went into effect on July 1st. As TikTok continues to evolve its advertising policies, these changes show a commitment to protecting younger users and ensuring transparency in AI-generated content. Marketers in the U.S. and Canada will need to adapt their strategies to comply with the new guidelines while maintaining effective engagement with their target audiences.

By staying informed about TikTok’s latest advertising updates, marketers can ensure their campaigns align with the new requirements. This maximizes their success on the platform. These changes not only enhance user privacy and transparency but also provide a clearer framework for ethical advertising practices on TikTok.

TikTok’s proactive measures in refining its ad policies reflect its dedication to user privacy and ethical advertising. As the digital landscape evolves, such steps are crucial in maintaining user trust and fostering a secure online environment.

Explore more about these changes here. If you’re considering implementing TikTok ads for your business be sure to contact us today!